My 8 year old granddaughter (aaaawwww) has taken an interest in jewelry making. She has her own bead box and little tool set. She made me a necklace today that said A COOL NANA. How sweet is that! Well, a little of my joy in this beautiful little spirit took a drastic turn today. The second picture above is what happened after she left today.........uuuugggghhh. Her bead box, slid off the counter all over my kitchen floor. It was impossible to be mad at her for very long....just until I got all the beads cleaned up......I mean, Hello, just look at that face, what a beauty!
I did, however, find the time to make, or should I say remake 2 pieces for a friend that turned out beautiful...if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, I was so anxious to dissasemble the necklace she gave me that I forgot to take a before picture. I am hopeful that when she purchased this piece, it had some redeeming value......if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all! OK, I want to be nice, but I'm sorry, it was hideous! It was made of chunks of turquoise with the extremely large pendant hanging lopsided off the chunks. There was no meaningful structure, no balance and no synergy. I always try to see the good in things and try never to be judgemental, and if only, I had taken a before picture, you would have been able to see for yourself. I know that some of you are new friends, but you can trust me....I promise....It Was Hideous!...those of you who do know me, speak up, they can trust me right????
Well, now I am locked out of my email account for some unknown reason so I will include the picture of the finished products once the email gods deem me good enough to get into my own stuff aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
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